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Learning Assessments for Specific Learning Disorders

Learning and Educational Assessments for children and adults in South Melbourne.


  • Dyslexia 

  • ​Dyscalculia

  • Dyspraxia

  • Dysgraphia

Teenager on Laptop
Melbourne Psychologist - Specific Learning Disorders SLD Assessments
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Is a learning assessment right for you?

For adults a learning assessment can help you access support in your studies and make adjustments at work.

For children  diagnosing learning difficulties such as dyslexia can provide your child with recommendations to make adjustments to your child’s learning plan. This can allow them to receive the assistance they need in a way that works for them. Each individual learns at their own rate. 

What are the signs your child needs an assessment?

  • Feedback from school teachers.

  • Difficulty with reading, spelling, writing, maths or getting their ideas down on paper.

  • Avoiding going to school or has anxiety about attending school.

  • Avoids homework task (sometimes leading to arguments and frustrations at home).

  • Homework causes your child to become anxious or experience meltdowns.

  • They forget what they have previously learnt.

  • A history of learning challenges in the family.

What Specific Learning Disorders can an assessment reveal?


  • Dyscalculia - difficulty performing arithmetical calculations.

  • Dyslexia - difficulty to develop skills in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling.

  • Dyspraxia - difficulty preforming coordinated movements.

  • Dysgraphia - difficulty with illegible handwriting and trouble transcribing thoughts.

Unaddressed learning challenges may lead to diminished self-confidence, potentially contributing to feelings of depression or unease. Moreover, young people grappling with specific learning disorders could face reduced likelihood of completing high school and participating in higher education programs.

Adults facing specific learning disorders may experience higher unemployment rates and earn incomes below the national average. Considering the benefits of early identification and support, as well as the potential to prevent or reduce various negative outcomes, it's important to recognise early signs through a learning assessment.

What does the assessment involve?

  • Intake Interview , up to two hours - Telehealth

  • WISC and WIAT Assessments-3 up to 3 hours – In person 

  • 30 minute feedback –Telehealth

Our diagnostic process involves employing a range of established evaluations, including the WIAT-3, to appraise aspects like phonological awareness, fluency, and reading comprehension. We utilise the guidelines from DSM-5 for Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) to diagnose conditions such as dyslexia and dysgraphia.

We produce an easy-to-read report. The aim of a well-crafted report is to be easily understandable for the intended recipients

Your psychologist will discuss the report during the feedback session, explaining the content of each section. If you find yourself with any lingering questions after the session, feel free to reach out via email or schedule a phone call to seek clarification.


Our commitment to you extends beyond just providing feedback – we maintain an enduring relationship as your assessing psychologist. The Boutique Psychology team is trained to support you in developing effective strategies to manage any symptoms which are challenging.